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Archaeological Findings

It is amazing how many archaeological findings we have that are relevant to Christianity and the bible we read today. I'm sure many have heard something like "How do I know if any of this (bible) actually happened?" While a very relevant and acceptable question, we actually have the concrete evidence to prove why it is reasonable to trust your bible. 

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Papyrus 52 (P.52)

P 52 or papyrus 52 is the earliest manuscript of the New Testament that we have. Coming from the gospel of john this manuscript has verses 18:31-33 as well as 18:37-38. 

This manuscript dates back all the way to the second century AD. It is believed to be written between the years 125 and 175 AD.

This manuscript is in Greek. The translations done on these verses match what we read in our bibles today. This is one of many examples on how well the writings were preserved.

As amazing as the search for evidence can be, we cannot let the hunger for it get in the way of our faith as Christians. "To someone with faith no explanation is needed, to someone without faith no explanation is possible". This is an amazing quote by St Thomas Aquinas that reminds us there is no stronger piece of evidence then one's genuine faith. To demand God to show himself to you is to put god to the test. Use your historical and archeological findings as confluences to your faith, but not the deciding factor to if you believe. 

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